Last week I visited in the Internet Retailer 2007 conference in San Jose, California with a co-worker Chris Larson an Interactive Strategist at my employer Hanson Dodge Creative. It was an amazing trip to the Silicon Valley, my first time and I've returned with plenty of new information and ideas on how the web is breakdown down the barriers of traditional bricks and mortar establishments.
We started a blog while we were out there for 5 days to record some of our learning and our antics.
My three major takeaways from this conference were:
- Community driven websites, sites that give users a sense of ownership and contribution are the way of the future. Community is King!
- Buy versus Build. ASP or Hosted web software solutions with solid API's and support for Web Services and syndication are replacing the need to build it from scratch. They are cheaper, turnkey and will offer a greater ROI.
- Big company’s do their research and development by merger and acquisition.
I have much more to share, but wanted to get these high level idea's down and expand on them at a later date.
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