Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How to filter feature requests on your web application

Yesterday I attended the iPhone Tech Talk conference in Chicago. Many items where covered from requirements, usability, design and application development for the iPhone plaform. One part of the presentation that resonated with me was how Apple approaches development of software applications. Below is an excerpt from the presentation:

Good Design at Apple….

“Comes from saying “No” to 1,000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much.”

- Steve Jobs

Define Your Solution

What problem will your application solve?
  • Create an Application Definition Statement
  • Summarize the intended purpose of your application
  • Let it guide everything you do
  • Filter every aspect of your application through definition statement

This is also inline with a chapter in 37signals book “Get Real” titled "What's the Big Idea".

Its an interesting approach i'm looking to incorporate into future projects I work on. Often with web project you can get bogged down in features that are outside of the core objective and vision of the site, using this methodology means you can abandon a lot of traditional distracting features before you burn you time and money.

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