Friday, September 14, 2007

Ditch your news section or press room and build a blog!

It still amazes me to see sites launching with a news or press room. This seems like one of the legacy web 1.0 items thats still makes its way into most corporate domains.

Granted if you are a fortune 500 company perhaps you still need your official new release section. However for most small to mid size companys this seems like serious overkill. The "one to many" broadcast approach is clearly over with the rise of social media, web 2.0 and functionality that allows for your users to engage in a conversation with you!

Some blog facts:
  • Blogs are hip
  • Authentic
  • Let you engage with your user = two way conversation!
  • Let your users identify with a personality along with your news
  • Build Community: They create repeat visits (stickyness) by users
  • Content can be syndicated via RSS and email subscriptions
  • Build Traffic: Ultra SEO friendly helping to get you found
  • They create conversation on other blogs = Online PR +Seeding!
  • Cross Sell: Generally they create a lot of referrals back to your corporate site

1 comment:

James Davidson said...

A quick update on this blog, I posted the question to my LinkedIn network and quite a few people weighed in on it, worth a read: