Saturday, July 28, 2007

The power of community and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Myspace

Lately it seems the shift to community driven websites and social is becoming bigger and bigger, everyone is jumping on the Web 2.0 band wagaon. Whether you look at the success stories of YouTube, MySpace, Facebook or any of the other bigger user generated content (UGC) sites it seems "community is king". I've got to admit I was a late adopter of MySpace and Facebook, but I have been a member on the UK equivalent of known as Friends Reunited since 2001. As someone who's lived in 3 countries: Australia, England and the U.S. Through these sites i've noticed first hand the power of social networks and community first hand as I began to reconnect with classmates and old friends who lived all over the world. My 10 year high school re-union was organized through it… I can’t even imagine the effort involved in doing this prior to the internet!

Now in my professional life one site that has had a profound effect on me is LinkedIn. Again I embarrassed to say I a late adopter, a sales rep from a software company invited me after a pitch and I was on the way to becoming LinkedIn.

In my opinion LinkedIn has become the most important and useful professional community and social networking site I use today. Gone are the days of word resumes, my rolodex full of business cards and costly searches for new hires and vendors. LinkedIn has provided a great platform for helping prospective, existing and former clients keep in touch (networking). Not to mention a great tool for recruitment. Having your LinkedIn profile linked on my blog has also helped in the seeding giving me an SEO lift.

I've been involved in participating in question and answers sessions centered on the internet and web technology. I've also been approached by software vendors, headhunters and job seekers who instantly qualified me as they know who I am and what I do, some of this can be good or bad depending how you look at it.

So if you are looking for a way to build your professional network and get connected with a community that opens up networking and career opportunities today I suggest you to get LinkedIn.

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